Leica SP8 upright point scanning confocal with multiphoton
The MP_opo is an upright laser scanning confocal microscope that can do everything but slice bread. In addition to standard confocal scanning, the MP_opo is capable of multiphoton imaging for those needing to image deeper. Finally, for users who want to interrogate molecular interactions in vivo, the MP_opo, is capable of multiphoton FLIM/FRET.
•Laser lines: 405, 458, 488, 514, 561, 633, mp680-1080 and opo 1100-1600nm •Detectors: four HyDs, one multi-alkali PMT, transmitted PMT, two non-descanned HyDs. •Objectives: 10x 20x, 25xW, 40x, 63x, 100x. •Multiphoton imaging up to 1600nm •Navigator module allows users to produce a slide preview to navigate the sample. •Incubator and CO2 for live cell imaging •Photostimulation/ablation capable •Second harmonic imaging